By June 19, 2024

It should come as absolutely no surprise when we say digital media is still on the rise. Just look at how much time you spend on your phone. In bed, at work, commuting, even absentmindedly scrolling during a conversation. Not only have our mobile phones become an extension of our physical selves, we also spend more time than ever on computers and smart devices.
According to recent statistics released by Hubspot ‘81% of shoppers conduct online research before making big purchases’ with Google receiving over 100 billion searches a month. Whether you’re a business, organisation, individual or event, to be seen by your target audience online is getting more and more important, and so is finding savvy digital media professionals to help.

Digital marketing: no longer the runt of the litter

Going back a decade, digital marketing was simply a small tool in the marketing arsenal, and now most businesses will have at least one dedicated staff member, if not multi-tiered departments solely dedicated to creating, maintaining and monitoring online sales, profiles and exposure.
All encompassing, digital media can be anything from email marketing, to blogging, to video content creation, to google analytics, AdWords, social media, and the list goes on. Digital fields expand every day with new platforms, integrated software, devices and consumer behaviour, and the rise in automation is making it even more important for employees to be digitally aware.

Get ahead of the curve ball with a diploma in digital media

With our workplaces increasingly turning to online models, studying digital media is an excellent way to learn vital skills to add to your existing education, or to forge an in-demand career path. Certificates in video production such as the ACIT Certificate IV, Information, Digital Media & Technology: Video Production give you the ability to move into digital media production, a rising field within the digital realm due to increasing demands for high quality content.

For those starting their own businesses or interested in marketing, getting your head around digital marketing is absolutely essential to the success of your enterprise or career. A course such as the ACIT Certificate IV, Information, Digital Media & Technology: Business & Social Media Marketing is an essential tool, giving you the edge to utilise social media and digital techniques to promote your business and stand out from the marketing crowd when it comes to job hunting.